With the commitment to facilitate exports and imports and focus of transparent and accountable delivery system – DGFT launches an upgraded eBRC System for self certification by exporters.
The new upgraded system will mean that the Banks will now have to transmit the electronic Inward Remittance Message (IRMs) to the DGFT portal.
These IRMs will be accessible to relevant IEC holder upon logging into the DGFT Website – www.dgft.gov.in.
Exporters will create eBRCs by matching the IRM with relevant shipping bills, SOFTEX or Invoice details.
Multiple IRMs may be grouped under one eBRC or One IRM can be split amongst several eBRCs. The eBRCs can be generated via the system for Goods Exports, Services Exports and Deemed Exports.
The RBI Purpose Code and other fields mentioned in the IRM shall be used to validate the eBRC fields
Banks will have access to all eBRCs created by exporter against the IRMs they input.
The Soft (pilot) launch of the revamped system is proposed with effect from 15th November 2023.
Starting the given date (i.e 15.11.2023) each bank will set its cut-off on their readiness for the new system.
Both the upgraded system and the legacy eBRC system will operate simultaneously until all banks transition to the new system.
The DGFT website will host list of banks with their respective IRM cut-off dates for reference of all the stakeholders.
A Mandatory migration to API integration by the bank is also envisaged in the Trade Notice by all banks latest by 31st January 2024.
The Trade Notice No. 33/2023-24 Dated 10th Nov 2023 can be downloaded from the link below: